Pelvic and Hip Pain

Injuries to the hip are usually related to bone and joint problems and can affect both young and elderly alike. Pain, stiffness or weakness in the hip can have a significant impact on the rest of the body, which chiropractic care can help with.

Common hip injuries we treat include:

  • Trochanteric bursitis
  • Iliotibial band syndrome – often presenting as knee pain
  • Muscle strains – psoas, adductors, gluteus and piriformis muscles are often involved in hip pain
  • Referred pain from sacroiliac joints and lumbar facet joints
  • Nerve entrapment – such as meralgia paresthetica and spinal nerve roots
  • Osteoarthritis (chiropractic cannot cure arthritis but we can help ease your symptoms)

Treatment of the hip focuses on adjusting and mobilising stiff joints, soft tissue work around the hip area, and stretching and strengthening of the surrounding muscles.


Pelvic girdle pain – (PGP), previously known as symphysis pubic dysfunction

So what is pelvic girdle pain?

It is a condition that women can suffer when pregnant. It refers to pain that can be experienced in areas such as the:

  • Low back
  • Sacroiliac joints
  • Pubic symphysis
  • Hips
  • Thighs and legs

Pelvic girdle pain can start at any point during the pregnancy and may come on gradually or quite suddenly. The severity of the pain can varying enormously ranging from mild to debilitating and can often change from day-to-day. The cause of pelvic girdle pain is unknown but it has been suggested that previous back and pelvic issues may predispose you to pelvic girdle pain. Research also suggests that poor muscle function in the back and pelvis at the beginning of pregnancy may also be a factor. Also, the hormone relaxin is produced during pregnancy allowing the ligaments of the pelvis to soften and stretch. This is essential for the birth process but can occasionally lead to potential pelvic instability. This is why it is really important to have great core strength prior to and during pregnancy and to ensure that your joints and nerves are working properly. If you do begin to experience pelvic girdle pain call us at the clinic as quickly as possible as this will help to stop the pain worsening and may get rid of it altogether. 

What type of symptoms might you feel?

  • Waddling gait and difficulty walking
  • Clicking and grinding noises in the pelvis – this occurs due to pelvic instability
  • Pain with straddling movements such as getting out of the car or bath
  • Pain and difficulty standing on one leg
  • Difficulty/pain lying in certain positions

What can you do to help?

Pelvic girdle pain is very treatable so come into the clinic for an assessment. Chiropractic treatment during and after pregnancy is safe and effective with the treatment being gentle and often very different to the type of treatment you may have experienced outside of pregnancy.

Let us help you achieve your goal

To make an appointment simply call us at 01372 383 050 or fill out this form to send us an email. 

